
Beat the Mid-Day Slump

Mid-day slumps have been attributed to a variety of things including a body’s natural sleep cycle and our lower afternoon body temperature. They’re real, and you can do things to help keep yourself alert, energetic and feeling healthy. Don’t reach for that candy bar, or caffeinated beverage when you feel tired during the day. You […]

Immune Boosting Foods

Your immune system is a complex structure that includes cells specifically designed to ward off infections and other dangers. A healthy immune system requires adequate sleep, regular exercise, and a good diet. Here are some foods that can help boost your immune system to keep you healthier and feeling great! Choose foods that are high […]

Metabolic Syndrome

Just over twenty years ago, researchers and medical professionals identified and named a group of risk factors that greatly increase the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, and diabetes. The ability to more accurately identify these risks helps doctors more effectively guide and monitor their patients. This group of risk factors is called […]

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