
Metabolic Syndrome

Just over twenty years ago, researchers and medical professionals identified and named a group of risk factors that greatly increase the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes, and diabetes. The ability to more accurately identify these risks helps doctors more effectively guide and monitor their patients. This group of risk factors is called […]

Metabolism Makeover

What is metabolism? “Metabolism” refers to how well and how efficiently our body functions to help us digest food and convert that food into usable energy. Metabolism also helps our body circulate blood, grow new cells, supports brain and nerve activity, contracts muscles, and helps our body to fight against disease. The rate at which […]

Move More, Stress Less

Feeling stressed? While we can’t always avoid stress, we can do something to help: exercise. Exercise improves our resilience to stress by improving our brains hormonal response, helping ‘blow off steam’ to manage our mood, and improving sleep. Ever hear of a runner’s high? Exercise creates chemical changes in our brain that help counteract the […]

Managing Stress When Making Healthy Changes

Investing in your health by making healthy changes is always rewarding but it doesn’t mean it is always easy. Change is hard and we are human so we may slip now and again. To help increase our chance of success, we can take steps to prevent stress, and more importantly, consider how we can respond […]

3 Common Headache Types

If you are like most people, you know the pain of the headache. In fact, the most common complaint that medical professionals hear from patients is headaches. If you suffer from headaches, learning more about the source of your pain and what could be causing it may help you get some relief. Tension Headaches Tension […]

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