
Great News for CWS!

Great news for our company! We are a participant in Cohort 3 of Transform! This is a data science and AI startup accelerator that we connected with through the University of Chicago Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Read more about us and our opportunity here:

How to Break the Yo-Yo Exercise Habit

Yo-Yo exercise refers to inconsistent patterns of exercise and inactivity. If you work out religiously for a week, then stop altogether for 2 weeks, then you are practicing Yo-Yo exercise patterns. Consistent exercise and daily activity are keys to good health. Here are some tips to help you break the yo-yo exercise habit: Set realistic […]

What is the Physical Activity Pyramid?

The physical activity pyramid is similar to the food pyramid, which illustrates a balanced diet of different types of foods. The physical activity pyramid emphasizes the importance of incorporating different types of physical activities into one’s daily routine. The most important and beneficial activities are located in the bottom tier of the pyramid, while the […]

Fitness the Blue Zone Way: How to use NEAT to increase your fitness

The NEAT (Non-Exercise Activity Thermogenesis-popularized by Dr. James Levine) method emphasizes using everyday activities (such as housework) as a means of promoting fitness. The idea behind NEAT is that small, incremental increases in physical activity throughout the day can add up to significant health benefits. The ideas behind NEAT align closely to research that has […]

Perils of Perfection

If you consider yourself a “perfectionist” but struggle to accomplish your goals, it is important to recognize that aiming for perfection doesn’t always lead to satisfactory results. In fact, when it comes to pursuing your health goals, striving for perfection can become the enemy of progress. The pressure to attain perfection can lead to inaction, […]

Journaling For Wellness

If the mention (or thought) of “Journaling” causes you anxiety, then you may want toreconsider what the act of journaling really means. Many find the thought of writing downinner thoughts, goals, and daily activities overwhelming. However, journaling can be a healthyway to boost your well-being, encourage creativity, work through stress, and provide you withinsight into […]

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